SID-Washington Series on Innovation in International Development

SID-Washington Presents:

Series on Innovation in International Development

Changing the world is changing fast. The international development sector is no stranger to disruption, however, the velocity of change across the sector today is unprecedented. Digital technologies and innovation are the greatest transformational forces the sector has seen in decades. This series will provide insights into how innovation is affecting international development at all levels. Events in this series include:

  • A chapter event on February 26th that highlighted the importance of innovation capabilities within international development programming, and bringing private sector thinking, digital, and technology innovation into key aspects of program design and delivery. 
  • A workshop on April 2nd regarding human centered design to help educate and enable effective program development within a digitally enabled world.
  • Opportunities at our Annual Conference on May 30th to showcase innovative ideas and products, through lightning talks and pitch competition.
  • And more!
We will have workgroup events, chapter events, institutional member events, and joint events with other organizations. Please let us know if you have suggestions for topics or speakers at [email protected]. And please watch for details as we solidify the programs in this series!